Reopening guidance
Camden Town Footfall to 2.11.20. Updated every Monday to help you plan your reopening. Click for full size.
Autumn update to rules and regulations
Customers in hospitality venues must wear face coverings, except when seated at a table to eat or drink.
Staff in hospitality and retail are now required to wear face coverings.
Office workers who can effectively work from home should do so over winter. If you’re business has to remain open, ensure COVID-secure guidelines are in place.
Businesses selling food or drink, social clubs, casinos, bowling alleys, amusement arcades (and other indoor leisure centres or facilities), funfairs, theme parks, adventure parks and activities, and bingo halls, must be closed between 10pm and 5am. This includes takeaways, but delivery services can continue after 10pm.
Table service only for food and drink in licensed premises
Businesses will need to display the official NHS QR code posters so that customers can ‘check-in’ at different premises (from 24 September) – find out more about the NHS App here.
Stricter rules are coming into play to make venues more COVID-secure from 28th September. This can be met with fines up to £10,000 for repeated breaches. Make sure you’re informed of the latest guidance!
Business conferences, exhibition halls and large sporting events cannot happen from 1st October as originally planned
Nightclubs must remain closed.
Test and trace guidance
Premises and venues where people meet socially will be legally required to request the contact details of a member of every party, more details. The government are launching an app on the 24th September to make this more straightforward. You can sign up for a QR code now, and display that in your venue. Until the app is released you’ll have to collect another way.
Covid-secure guidance
If you’re re-opening your business, use the government calculator below to find out exactly what you should do.
Visit our Advice Hub for more help.
Tables and Chair licenses
We asked and government have listened. A bill has been passed, making it much easier, quicker and cheaper for businesses to use the pavement outside their premises. Visit Camden Council’s website to apply for a pavement license, at a cost of £100.